Highwaymen Motorcycle Club in Detroit faces eviction

Detroit — The Highwaymen Motorcycle Club faces an eviction battle over part of their clubhouse headquarters on Michigan Avenue in southwest Detroit. 

This time it isn’t law enforcement trying to crack down on the motorcycle club, which has had members and associates convicted of violent crimes, drug dealing and federal racketeering laws. Instead, the private building owner, Milton Hall, contends the Highwaymen club has been illegally using his property since at least 2016 and he wants them out.

“My client has not had access to the building” for a number of years, attorney Gwendolyn Cook-Jones said Wednesday in Detroit’s 36th District Court.

The Detroit Highwaymen Motorcycle Club clubhouse is at 3330 Michigan Ave. in Detroit.

Cook-Jones is representing Hall in his complaint to recover possession of the building.

“He hasn’t been able to get in” the property, Cook-Jones told Judge Demetria Brue. 

Hall’s property is next to two buildings owned by the Highwaymen, property records show. The motorcycle club has used its buildings on the 3300 block of Michigan Avenue as a clubhouse for over a decade.