Rocky Mountain Mini Motorcycle League comes to Grand Junction
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO) – The Rocky Mountain Mini Motorcycle League held their second race of the season today at the Grand Junction Motor Speedway.
Rocky Mountain Mini Moto was founded in 2005 to promote and develop the sport of Mini Moto racing in Colorado.
The league is based in Denver but compete all across the state. Some of the racers even go on to compete nationally.
Their vision is to bring mini road racing into the mainstream, promote a safe environment, and develop a positive program to introduce racers and spectators to the exciting sport of motorcycle road racing at all ages.
The league started out as adults racing kids motor bikes with street tires on them. and as interest grew, more and more kids and adults wanted to get involved
RMMM has various classes ranging from beginner to expert. So anyone from any skill level to any age can get involved.
Another plus is you do not need a class M license, because you are not riding on the streets.
They will be back here at the Grand Junction Motor Speedway for the championship on October third.
If you’d like to get involved, visit their facebook, website, or email them at [email protected]
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