Vietnam veteran receives free motorcycles donated to him after cancer forced him to give up old one
REPUBLIC, Mo. (KY3) – A Vietnam veteran in Republic received a big surprise. He received a donated motorcycle by a local club hoping to bring some joy back into his life.
Ken Fields is a Vietnam veteran who loved to ride his motorcycle. Fields says he’s been on a bike since he was 15-years-old. However, when Fields’ prostate cancer came back, he was no longer able to ride on his two-wheeled motorcycle.
“I had just about given up on riding again,” Fields says. “What they did means the world to me.”
That’s when Fields gave his motorcycle to another veteran in the law enforcement motorcycle club Third Watch.
Steve Burgher is the president of Third Watch. The goal of the motorcycle club is to “take care of those who took care of us.” That especially includes veterans who sacrificed so much.
“He’s the kind of guy that he’ll give you the shirt off his back and he won’t expect anything for it,” Burgher says.
For Burgher and others in the motorcycle club, this hit especially close to home after Fields’ prostate cancer came back.
“We thought he had it beat and then he had some issues come back and they had to do a bunch of radiation on his jaw,” Burgher says. “He lost all of his teeth because of it. He’s lost equilibrium. He’s lost most of his balance, a lot of dexterity, and just a lot of heart is gone because of it. You take all of that away and it takes a man’s heart so we’re hoping we can give this to him and bring some of that back.”
That’s why they decided to donate a trike, so he could balance on three wheels while he rides.
“That’ll get me back on the road and back in the wind,” Fields says.”
Fields says he’s so thankful to be able to ride again.
“Disbelief,” Fields says. “I couldn’t believe it.”
Many members of the club are veterans themselves. Burgher says they hope to donate at least one motorcycle a year to veterans.
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