Advice needed: Buy an electric scooter or a commuter bike

My requirement is simple. The best average mileage possible with great refinement and decent power where I can comfortably cruise at at least 70 km/h.

BHPian LiamJose recently shared this with other enthusiasts.

Hey my dear car guys and bikers, how’re you all? Belated Happy Vishu from Kerala.

Guys, I am very confused now. The petrol prices are soaring high and it feels quite bad to fill the tank for running so low. I mean, my office is pretty close and I commute with my KTM RC 390  and Royal Enfield Bullet 350 CL both of which gives me close to 25 to 30 km/l depending on the way I ride. Even if I don’t travel much on a day to day basis, I feel the need for a vehicle with a better fuel economy.

That’s when my friend told me that he’s going to buy an electric scooter – Ola S1 pro or Ather but I felt these electric scooters in my opinion are overpriced for what they are and I pondered if I should be considering one or should I even consider a used or new commuter bike that has like 125-150 CC.

My requirement is simple. The best average mileage possible with great refinement and decent power where I can comfortably cruise at at least 70 km/h. I mean, I’d love to take it to long tours once in a blue moon.

For people who do not have time to read the whole story

Should I buy an electric scooter or a used/new commuter bike for saving myself from fuel economy.

Thanks in advance.

Here’s what BHPian IshaanIan had to say on the matter:

Considering you already own two motorcycles, why purchase another depreciating asset brand new for full price just to get more fuel economy? Penny wise, pound foolish is what comes to mind when I hear about people wanting to justify buying a brand new vehicle by stating fuel costs. If you really feel so pinched by fuel costs (which I honestly believe are still fine considering the entire process involved in drilling, extracting, refining, transporting, storing and dispensing petrol), simply buy yourself a good bicycle and commute on that instead.

Here’s what BHPian comfortablynumb had to say on the matter:

IMO, neither. Use the bikes that you already have.

100000 (new 2-wheeler price)

÷ 200 (worst case average price of petrol/litre in the near future)

X 25 (your bike’s mileage)

÷ 10 (assumed daily commute in kms)

÷ 300 (annual working days)

= ~ 4 years.

So, the money that you would spend on a new 2 wheeler can easily provide fuel for your current bikes for more than 4 years (at least). If needed, you can scratch the e-scooter itch once more models are available and their popularity increases, hopefully leading to a decrease in prices. Good luck!

Here’s what BHPian drt_rdr had to say on the matter:

If you’re going to sell your KTM and RE and buy a new electric scooter with that money, then it makes sense. If you’re going to buy a used small capacity scooter\bike, it makes even more sense.

Otherwise, just ride your present bikes slower to extract more FE out of them.

Read BHPian comments for more insights and information.