December 13, 2024


Automotive to Us

Stratford, UK, Will Not Ban Bike Parking

We were wrong thanks to bad sourcing, so here’s our mea culpa.

There was a misinterpretation of the story regarding the “banning” of motorcycles on the waterside of Statford. There won’t be a ban, but motorcycle parking will be regulated in Bancroft Gardens and the Recreation Ground. A new bylaw is looking to be passed to encompassed three areas. A redraft will change around a few things in the area and the section that involves motor vehicles, motorcycles, and trailers is as follows: 

Stratford Motorcycle Parking

Stratford Motorcycle Parking

“Motor Vehicles / Motor Cycles / Trailers

15. (1) No person shall, without reasonable excuse (or without the consent

of the Council), bring into or drive in the Grounds a Motor Vehicle,

Motor Cycle or Trailer PROVIDED that where the Council has set

apart a Designated Area in the Grounds for the use of any types of

these vehicles. This bylaw shall not be deemed to prohibit the

driving or riding in or to that Designated Area by any Designated

Route indicated by notices erected by the Council at the entrance to

the Grounds of any vehicle of this class for which the Designated

Area is set apart.

(2) A person shall not drive any vehicle in any part of the Grounds

except as provided by the foregoing 15(1) or except in the exercise

of any lawful right or privilege.”

As stated in an email sent to us by the Stratford local government’s communications manager: “there is no intention to ban motorbikes from Waterside, the new bylaws are to ensure that the District Council can legitimately manage the area in a safe way.”

The law and the map showing the affected areas are linked in our sources below, as well as the original source. 

Original Article Follows: 

Motorcyclists visiting Stratford in the United Kingdom might need to find parking elsewhere. The city council of the popular midland destination has disallowed motorcycle parking near the waterside park of the area. Bikers who want to enjoy the location’s numerous shops and restaurants by the waterside will have to congregate in a new area. 

A popular destination for bikers, the city council has made the waterside park of Stratford a pedestrian-only zone. Numerous complaints were received stating that motorcycles were blocking the area so the decision was made to relocate the motorcyclists to the nearby Bridgeway multistorey car park which is about 200 yards away from the zone. However, bikers are still able to go to the waterside park and enjoy the destination’s shops, albeit on foot and without their motorcycles blocking the way for others looking to enjoy the site’s views and attractions.

The Bridgeway multistorey car park, however, comes with the added benefit of security. Protected by CCTV, up to 160 bikes can park in this area with up to 30 ground anchors for motorcyclists to clip their bikes to, adding a little more peace of mind against motorcycle theft.

More UK Biker News:

These changes may inconvenience motorcyclists a bit given the walk to make it to the popular destination, but less congestion in the area will allow pedestrians to roam more freely and hopefully bring in more foot traffic and business to the area.

In a statement from Councilor Dill-Russel to Visordown, “I am pleased to see the long-standing issues surrounding parking in the Waterside area resolved through a general ban of parking and the nearby provision of improved, dedicated facilities at Bridgefoot for local and visiting motorcyclists.

“Their presence in Stratford town centre on Sunday is a popular sight, which we are hoping to encourage and which brings many benefits to town for trade, tourism, and local interest.”

Source: Stratford New Byelaw, Stratford Plan for Bancroft Recreation Grounds, Visordown, Stratford Byelaws For Pleasure Grounds, Public Walks And Open Spaces